This is my favourite podcast, you guys are incredibly funny and keep me company whenever I drive to and from work or when I feel alone and sad. It's not just that though, being funny is great but I can tell you are also very very kind and mature people (not super common among podcasters), I wish I could hug you one by one 😭. When I'm struggling, anxious or in doubt about a difficult situaSean, I imagine what advice you would give me if you heard my story, and that truly helps me a lot. Just yesterday I was driving home after an argument with my boyfriend and listening to an episode where a story resonated with me so much that I took it as a sign from the universe. Instead of driving home, I drove to my boyfriend's house to talk things through and we had one of the moste honest and productive conversations about a very sensitive subject. You can tell a podcast is great when it helps you through some hard stuff.
There's one thing I will say though, I don't think I'll ever recover from the grief of you giving up your first format, it was absolutely fantastic and I wish I had it back. It was the firmat that made me fall in love with the show and binge thise first few episodes. It made me immensely sad when I realised it wasn't going to continue, I thought I'd let you know that someone out there adored that format and misses it very much.
Nov. 20, 2023 by Donatella on This Website