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July 15, 2022

#72: Am I The Asshole | Someone Calls Josh An A**hole?!

On today’s episode we have a listener update, a listener refuses to have a baby, a sister deadnames op’s son, a teacher tells a bad jokes, and at the end we will be determining if I was the asshole in a situation! And of course at the end of the episode we have our Patreon exclusive story about man who cancelled a trip because his girlfriend wanted to bring her son.Let us…

On today’s episode we have a listener update, a listener refuses to have a baby, a sister deadnames op’s son, a teacher tells a bad jokes, and at the end we will be determining if I was the asshole in a situation! And of course at the end of the episode we have our Patreon exclusive story about man who cancelled a trip because his girlfriend wanted to bring her son.Let us know your thoughts!Sponsors:Go to (MANSCAPED) and use code 'Reddit' for 20% off + free shipping worldwide! (Barkbox): Join Barkbox's amazing subscription to receive a themed box containing 2 innovative toys, 2 all-natural bags of treats, and a chew toy every month! (Audible): Sign up to get access to the largest collection of Audiobooks, Podcasts, and Audible Originals today! Click the link to get 1-month free or 3-months free for Prime Members!GoFundMe For John and His Family: a Patreon for ad-free episodes and bonus AITA stories every week as well as exclusive content: (Cultiv8 Podcast Network is creating podcasts | Patreon)Our Links: (Instagram) (TikTok) (Discord) (Subreddit) (Store) (Website) (AITA for reporting my teacher to the principal for making a joke?) (Am I The Asshole For Staying On Birth Control Even Though My Husband Wants Another Baby?) (AITA for telling my fiancée she’s not the breadwinner if she’s not footing the bills in front of our families and friends?) (AITA for storming off from my sister's wedding after she deadnamed my son?)Copyright 2022 Cultiv8 Podcast Network (This podcast is hosted by Captivate, try it yourself for free.) Mentioned in this episode:AudibleSign up to get access to the largest collection of Audiobooks, Podcasts, and Audible Originals today! Click the link to get 1-month free or 3-months free for Prime Members! (Audible)True ClassicGet shirts that actually fit and get 25% off using our code 'Reddit'! (True Classic)

On today’s episode we have a listener update, a listener refuses to have a baby, a sister deadnames op’s son, a teacher tells a bad jokes, and at the end we will be determining if I was the asshole in a situation! And of course at the end of the episode we have our Patreon exclusive story about man who cancelled a trip because his girlfriend wanted to bring her son.

Let us know your thoughts!

Become a Patreon for ad-free episodes and bonus AITA stories every week as well as exclusive content: Cultiv8 Podcast Network is creating podcasts | Patreon

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